Sunday, November 4, 2012


Just then, as we popped our heads back and looked to the beautiful evening sky above us, stopped the ball game, we stared at the flock of birds moving from left to right in silence.

It was the most magical and indescribable moment that day.

We were infinite.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I dont know if its just me but October went reaaaaallly slowly. Must have been all the exams, ICGs and lessons and stuff. But guess what, 10 months have passed and its already November! Time passes really quickly in Sec 3.

Its quite scary to think that in 1 years time, im gonna be sitting in the hall taking my Os. In just 2 more months, im gonna be the senior of the school, Sec 4.  3 years and 10 months have passed so fast.

I guess at least i have 2 more months to enjoy whatever freedom i have right now before the intensive mugging year begins. With so many NP related activities coming up, school work to catch up on, Chinese Os (Which i have not started studying for yet haha), i think this 2 months is gonna be 2 really busy months :/

But wait, December!! Cant wait for the special month to come hehe. Christmas 2012. Can't wait :)

I write like shit.

Oh wells, 2 more months to 2013, LET'S GO